All information for job holders lined up

Job Portal UMCG

Welcome! On this page, for everyone at UMCG who needs to fill a vacancy, you will find all the information related to posting and promoting job openings. Our Recruitment team collaborates with you to find and attract the best candidate for your vacancy.
  • The UMCG continues to develop rapidly, reflected in the increasing number of job openings. Over the past decade, this number has more than doubled, with further growth anticipated in the coming years. As Recruitment team, we provide support and guidance throughout the recruitment process. Our services are focused exclusively on vacancies where applicants will be employed by UMCG and therefore fall under the Collective Labour Agreement UMC.

    Allow us to introduce ourselves:
    The Recruitment team serves as the primary point of contact for both job holders and candidates, handling all regular recruitment activities. You can reach us at [email protected] or through the contact numbers below:

    Sandra Pals - Recruitment staff
    Working days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
    Phone 61473 / 06 2565 1531

    Wendy Boerema-Nauta, Recruitment staff
    Working days: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday
    Phone 61280 / 06 2565 1335

    Suze Weijer, Recruitment assistant
    Flexible working days
    The corporate recruiter can also be reached at [email protected].
    Susan Jacobs – Corporate Recruiter
    Portfolio: AIOS/ANIOS
    Working days: Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday
    Phone: 06 5525 6907

  • Before submitting a vacancy to Recruitment, the formation and classification must be approved. To submit a vacancy, we need the following information in one email to [email protected]:

    Upon receiving the above information in a single email, we will take further action on the vacancy. The process leading to publication is as follows

    • Mobility Center: the vacancy is send to the Mobility Center for legal reasons (both internal and external vacancies). If there is a redeployment candidate, colleagues from the Mobility Center will contact you.

    • We review the text and make necessary adjustments (sentence structure/layout). If substantive changes are required, we will send the text back to you for review.

    Once the vacancy is published, you will receive a placement confirmation with further information about the procedure. We will also send this to the contact persons listed in the text. If we have any further questions, we will contact you.

    For your information: You can find more information about the eligible candidate procedure and the partner program in the HR Handbook on the intranet (Personeel -> Handboek P&O -> Thema’s -> Instroom -> Werving).

  • Internal recruitment
    At UMCG, we primarily recruit internally first. This provides our colleagues with the opportunity to advance their careers. Internal vacancies are exclusively distributed via the intranet.

    If internal recruitment does not yield the right candidate, external recruitment can then be initiated. When preparing for external recruitment, it's essential to view your vacancy with fresh eyes, as the candidates you now wish to attract may not yet be familiar with the organization. This may require providing additional explanations or omitting certain abbreviations to ensure the text is easily understandable for external candidates. For external recruitment, please provide the desired closing date and inform us of any changes to the text, if applicable, including specifics on what these changes entail. This allows us to promptly and efficiently proceed with external publication.

    External recruitment
    We utilize the following publication channels, depending on what is relevant for the vacancy:

    Social media: Twitter/Facebook/LinkedIn

    AcademicTransfer - ENG also to EURAXESS | Researchers in Motion
    NRC Carrière
    OOR NO
    Zorg voor het Noorden
    Medische banenbank - with the partnerwebsites: NTvGSkiprMedNetH&WV&VNBSLZorgvisieNursingVerzorgendenbanen


    To bring the vacancy to the attention of the target audience in a very targeted manner, we ask you to share it as widely as possible within your network. Please also encourage colleagues from your department to do the same.

    You can review and assess the received responses to the vacancy through a secure online environment: TIS manager.

  • In an increasingly competitive job market, it is important to provide all candidates with a positive application experience.
    For example, we prioritize ensuring candidates are well informed, such as:

    •  Informing candidates promptly, ideally within 2 weeks after the vacancy closing date, following the NVP Application Code.
    • Allowing sufficient time between sending messages and the interview date. We recommend a minimum of 5 working days so candidates can arrange practical matters. Send invitations and rejections in a timely manner.
    • Handling candidate data with care.

    Additionally, based on our experience, candidates, often due to busy schedules, tend to wait until the last moment to apply. Therefore, we do not extend vacancies beyond the closing date or reopen vacancies where the selection process is not completed. This avoids sending an uncomfortable signal to candidates, potentially leading to misunderstandings or disinterest.

    Please prioritize reviewing received applications first. If no suitable candidate is found among them, we can certainly reopen the vacancy. This has the advantage of placing the vacancy prominently in search engines again, increasing visibility.

    This approach ensures that candidates continue to apply, both now and in the future, fostering a positive recruitment experience.

  • If after internal and external recruitment the right candidate has not yet come forward, please contact the Recruitment team at [email protected]. We will discuss options for further actions, which are often tailored to the specific situation.

    Sometimes we conduct an intake, preferably with the HR advisor, to thoroughly assess all influencing factors and develop a joint action plan.
    Certain positions face challenges in the job market. Sometimes this is anticipated, but occasionally it becomes evident when the regular process does not yield the desired candidate. Simply posting a vacancy may not suffice to find a new colleague.

    For these positions, a long-term approach is necessary, focusing on raising awareness among passive job seekers about the appeal of the role. We aim to attract individuals who are not actively seeking a job change to consider exploring opportunities at UMCG. Essentially, we are also applying for these desired candidates.

    UMCG subscribes to the Intelligence Group's target audience analysis tool, providing comprehensive data on the job market. This includes function-specific reports/dashboards on recruitment feasibility, target audience preferences, and their media usage. This enables us to develop customized recruitment plans tailored to the target audience.

  • Selecting the right candidate begins with creating a clear profile. Often, the required knowledge is well documented, but for success in the role and within the team, behavioral competencies are usually crucial. Therefore, it is beneficial to clearly define these competencies and include several (3 to 5) in the profile.

    You can find more information about competencies on the site van Reynaarde

    During the interview, you can use the STAR method to probe into these behavioral competencies. This video provides a brief example of using the STAR method in an interview.
    Furthermore, it's important that the candidate also gains a good understanding of the role and the environment in which it will be performed. Putting a candidate at ease helps to form a better impression of them.

  • Creating an appealing job vacancy text is a crucial step in setting up successful recruitment. When drafting the text, aim to focus on the candidate you want to attract (your target audience): what matters to them and what information will persuade them to actually submit an application. Highlight the unique features of the specific environment or role. Write in a direct and active voice (for example, use "you do" instead of "will be done"), which makes the text less formal and more personal. When writing, also consider diversity and inclusivity.

    1. Choose the right job title : An ideal title for your vacancy should consist of 3 to 5 words. Ensure the title is clear and attractive. Avoid using internal jargon that external candidates may not understand. It is advisable to avoid using punctuation marks.
    2. Write a compelling introduction: Start your vacancy with a short and powerful paragraph that intrigues candidates to read further. Avoid mentioning job requirements or details about the organization or work environment initially. Instead, answer the question: What makes this vacancy better/more interesting than a similar role at another organization?
    3. Job description (What you will do): Use practical examples of tasks and/or describe an average workday. Maintain a logical flow and strike a good balance between paragraphs and bullet points.
    4. Work environment (Where you will work): Highlight the work atmosphere, the team, and the department, emphasizing unique features of the work environment.
    5. Job requirements (Who you are): Avoid clichés, such as "affinity with the target group." If you've described the target group or patient category well earlier in the text, assume that candidates applying will have affinity with the target group. Maintain a good balance between paragraphs and bullet points.
    6. Employment conditions (What we offer): Be as concrete and transparent as possible. Mentioning a salary range encourages faster applications. If you would like to know more about this, click here. Specify the minimum/maximum number of working hours and list secondary employment conditions. Adjust the order in which you list employment conditions based on what the target audience considers most important.
    7. Conclusion: Provide (preferably) two contact persons who are easily reachable for candidates, considering availability during holidays as well. Choose a closing date that is not too far in the future, as candidates generally tend to delay applying. Our recommendation is to recruit for 2 to 3 weeks.