Student voor systematische reviews emotieregulatietraining zorgprofessionals


Reageer t/m 29 oktober

Geplaatst op

Ben jij klaar voor een diepgaand onderzoek dat essentieel is voor het aanpakken van emotionele uitputting en burn-out onder (toekomstige) zorgprofessionals? Deze stage biedt je de kans om de basis te leggen voor een belangrijk project om zorgprofessionals emotieregulatievaardigheden aan te leren en emotionele uitputting en burn-out te voorkomen.
Als stagiair(e) voer je een systematische review uit, waarbij je ofwel effectieve elementen van bestaande emotieregulatietrainingen identificeert, ofwel meetmethoden en -instrumenten voor emotieregulatie kritisch beoordeelt. De uitkomsten van jouw onderzoek worden gebruikt bij de ontwikkeling en evaluatie van een emotieregulatietraining.
Wil jij bijdragen aan het welzijn en functioneren van (toekomstige) zorgprofessionals en daarmee aan de patiëntveiligheid? Sluit je dan aan bij ons team en help ons het fundament te leggen voor de preventie van emotionele uitputting en burn-out onder (toekomstige) medisch professionals!

Job description

We offer two research internships:

Internship 1
Entails conducting a systematic review of existing emotion regulation training programs. You will analyze their theoretical underpinnings, characteristics, and effectiveness – taking into account content, duration, structure, setup, context, and evaluation – with the aim to identify effective components and structures. Your findings will inform the development of our training program and contribute to a better understanding of effective intervention strategies.

Internship 2
Entails conducting a systematic review of approaches to and instruments for assessing emotion regulation. Taking into account, among other things, their theoretical foundations, reliability and validity, you will assess the applicability of these instruments and make recommendations for using them or developing new ones to evaluate our training program.

Problem statement and background

Emotional exhaustion and burnout among medical professionals form a growing problem in healthcare, jeopardizing the well-being, sustainable employability and retention of healthcare providers. Thus, the quality and safety of healthcare is also compromised. The increase in emotional exhaustion and burnout extends to other sectors such as higher education, where students also face significant psychological challenges like anxiety and depression. Attention to emotion regulation – the capacity to consciously influence the emotions that one has and how those emotions are expressed (Gross, 2008) – is key to addressing these concerns and requires a comprehensive understanding of healthy emotion regulation and effective interventions (Jackson-Koku & Grime, 2019 , Martín-Brufau et al, 2020).

As part of an innovation project, we decided to develop and evaluate an emotion regulation training program to mitigate burnout and enhance well-being among medical professionals and trainees. To do this well-founded, we offer two internships each aimed at performing a systematic review: the first on existing emotion regulation training programs to identify effective components and structures, and the second on assessing the reliability, validity and any potential shortcomings of existing measurement instruments for evaluating emotion regulation. Key questions we would like to see answered include:

  • What structure and elements characterize effective emotion regulation training?
  • What types of instruments exist for measuring emotion regulation?
  • What is known about the reliability and validity of these instruments for measuring emotion regulation?
  • What is known about the effectiveness of emotion regulation training programs?
  • What factors influence the effectiveness of such trainings?

What are we looking for?

Two ambitious students, who:

  • have an interest in and enjoy conducting scientific research

  • are eager to learn new things

  • are meticulous, thorough, consistent, reliable, service- and results-oriented

  • have a good command of English, both in reading and writing

  • are team players but can also work autonomously

What do we offer?

Throughout the internship, you will learn how to systematically search for literature and conduct a systematic review. Based on your research, you will write a thesis (or a draft article) and making recommendations for practice and future research. Based on the research internship, we aim for a scientific publication on this study; depending on your own interests and preferences, your performance during the research project, and your contribution to the scientific publication, you may become a co-author or even first author of this publication. A follow-up project may be initiated after or as a result of the research project. If you are interested, we can explore whether and how you could be involved in this potential follow-up project.
And ofcourse we offer an academic workenvironment and guidance.

Voor vragen over de functie

Als je vragen hebt over de inhoud van de functie, vinden we het leuk om van je te horen. Neem gerust contact op.


Clearly state if you apply for internship 1 or 2.

You can only apply via the digital application form at the bottom of the vacancy. After sending your application, you will recieve a confirmation by email.

The date for "respond untill" does not apply, the vacancy will remain open until we find a suitable student.


Niet jouw vacature?

Kijk of een open sollicitatie voor jou mogelijk is.

Heb je nog vragen?

We vinden het leuk als je contact met ons opneemt als je vragen hebt over het werken bij het UMCG.

Sandra Team Recruitment