Job description
The University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG) welcomes a talented researcher for the position of Assistant Professor (UD) to become part of our expertise network on lifestyle and prevention to connect the domains of human movement, nutrition and mental health. As the UD, you will contribute to the formation of, and actively participate in, an expertise network which is currently being initiated in the UMCG aiming to integrate perspectives of healthcare, research, and education in these three domains. You will primarily focus on the domain of physical activity and active lifestyle (movement), but transdisciplinary collaboration is expected. The work will comprise research and network related activities for approximately 70%, and educational tasks for approximately 30% of the time.
Research activities
You will be expected to contribute and initiate research on physical activity, exercise and/or (active) lifestyle, focusing on measurement, monitoring and evaluation, primarily of patients in the context of daily life in extended health care settings (clinical, outpatient, transmural, and community) and/or in the context of interventions to promote (active) lifestyle. Collaborative research within the UMCG (e.g. with other (non)clinical departments), with regional healthcare, communal and other partners, as well as with technology and data partners are especially valued. Relevant research topics could include (but are not limited to) topics such as physical activity behaviour in context, lifestyle factors, underlying mechanisms, and 'exercise as medicine'. Previous and future pursuits of external funding pursuits are appreciated.
Network related activities
You will contribute to the formation of, and actively participate in, an expertise network of the UMCG as described above. To enable integrated and cross-cutting initiatives in lifestyle and prevention, staff will contribute to the strategic development and implementation of activities for building a robust and active network of experts within the UMCG and reaching beyond.
Education activities
You will contribute to educational developments aiming to enhance knowledge and skills of students in physical activity, exercise and/or (active) lifestyle and prevention across all internal bachelor and master programs of our medical faculty (human movement sciences, sport sciences, medicine, and dentistry) as well as professional training of health care professionals on related topics. At UD level, educational activities typically involve teaching courses and/or modules as well as student supervision. Previous experience in educational activities is valued.